Exporting Raw R-R intervals or Interbeat Intervals (IBIs)

You will find the data export in your settings located at the top right hand of the screen. (photo or blue circle if you don't have the photo) 

The data export function is located below "Set reading reminders"

The export will be emailed to the email address associated with your account. You may export as often as you like. The private/secure link sent to your email expires after a few hours to help protect your data, so please save the export somewhere safe if you would like to keep it longer.

The file contains all of your raw RR interval data from all readings.

Every reading that you have ever taken is included in this folder. Each file is an individual reading and is named by date and time of that reading.

Within the file is a line separated list of RR intervals. These can be uploaded into a software like Kubios for further analysis.
How to interpret the file name:
2015-05-12 07-48-32 means:
Year 2015
Month 05
Day 12
Hour 07
Minute 48
Second 32
Note: the file format is .txt and must be opened with an appropriate program to read it. Other programs or file formats will not open properly.
Currently, time stamps for each RR interval are not available. Only the reading start time is available.
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