Everyone ages at different rates. Our “true age” (also called “biological age”) depends on how much inflammation we encounter in our lifestyle and environment, combining with our genetics. True age represents our capacity for resilience, in tolerating and recovering from these life stresses. By increasing this resilience, we could even get younger in true age! It requires frequent tracking of biomarkers like heart rate variability (HRV).

Using HRV to lower “true age” is similar to using it for overall health and fitness improvements. Both require lifestyle changes like:

  • Getting direct sunlight early in the day, to set circadian rhythms and obtain vitamin D;
  • Increasing sleep quality by reducing blue light and noise exposure before bed;
  • Replacing inflammatory foods with nutrient-dense alternatives;
  • Increasing the diversity of exercise and activity;
  • Avoiding antibiotics where possible, to preserve gut microbiome diversity; and
  • Checking in with your body first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.

The last is important to develop self-awareness, since these lifestyle changes are most likely to be successful through a personalized approach, rather than “one-size-fits-all” plans.

Personalized approaches require frequent tracking, with biomarkers that are comprehensive, non-invasive, low-cost and provide immediate feedback. HRV can be one such biomarker.