In This Episode
1:27 Welcome and intro to Ed
3:35 What got Ed so interested in breath as a powerful tool
7:46 What was it about breath that really changed things for you?
12:08 How do you work towards using breath in this way?
14:27 How being aware/present can change how you perceive stress
17:20 Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia
19:30 Life is an awareness-based model; you’re either aware of it or not
20:55 Is there a point in which some of these techniques become more automatic? Can we reap these benefits unconsciously?
24:30 How does this practice integrate with sleep?
30:45 Any recommended breathing patterns for performing different tasks?
37:15 Reverse engineering exercise
40:15 Is this a similar process in regards to mental exertion?
44:35 Correlation between cardiovascular strength and psychological resiliency
47:54 Turn stress upside down – embrace it!
50:48 Learn from your stress
54:15 It’s hard to stay positive when you’re exhausted – learn what we need to hang onto and what to let go of
1:02:39 Closing thoughts
1:03:57 Where to find Ed