by Elite HRV | Feb 12, 2016
During the first week, the app is establishing your baseline. It is looking to see what your average HRV values are as well as how much they fluctuate (standard deviation and coefficient of variation).
by Elite HRV | Feb 12, 2016
The Morning Readiness gauge indicates your state of relative balance. In other words, it is comparing your HRV values to your recent past and telling you whether your Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is in a similar state or if it is swinging widely outside of your norm.
by Elite HRV | Feb 12, 2016
Grey: You see this indicator type on your first Morning Readiness reading (or if you haven’t taken a MR reading in a while). The grey indicator with a score of n/a shows that you need to establish a baseline of a few days to compare to before you can start receiving Morning Readiness scores, indicators, and recommendations.
by Elite HRV | Jan 15, 2016
After several days of taking Morning Readiness readings, Elite HRV begins to form your personal HRV baseline.