Do you have Frequency values such as LF/HF ratio?

We currently do not use LF/HF ratio or other Frequency Domain calculations in the app. This is because research shows LF/HF to be very inconsistent and a poor estimate of the Autonomic Nervous System balance in short-term, rested measurements.

What are HRV score, RMSSD, ln(RMSSD), SDNN, NN50, and PNN50?

Our HRV score is calculated from the RMSSD and represents the strength of your Autonomic Nervous System (specifically the Parasympathetic branch) at a given time. The other numbers provided are for reference for those interested in in more detailed analysis of their HRV data.

HRV Score Different Than Other Apps

Research standardized calculations such as RMSSD can still appear slightly different between systems. This could be due to differences in hardware (heart rate monitors, etc.). But it is usually due to differences in the way misreads and signal noise are handled.

What is a good HRV score?

The average HRV score is 59.3 for Elite HRV users. Being above or below average is interesting to know, but it does not tell you whether your score is “good” or “bad”.

Why Green Isn’t Always Good

The Morning Readiness gauge indicates your state of relative balance. In other words, it is comparing your HRV values to your recent past and telling you whether your Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is in a similar state or if it is swinging widely outside of your norm.

Is a higher HRV always ‘better’?

A higher HRV is generally a good thing, but there are exceptions which the app picks up on. You want your HRV to gradually increase over time (weeks, months, years). If you have taken a few Morning Readiness readings, you know that your HRV can go up and down slightly from day to day. This is normal and generally healthy.