In This Episode
0:50 Steve’s background as a cognitive performance consultant
3:00 How Steve got into the trading and investing field
6:00 Similarities between elite athletes and traders
9:00 The framework: psychology, physiology and behavior
9:30 The importance of physiology: mental performance is a whole brain-body process
13:35 The role of HRV as an accurate marker of physiology
18:00 The importance of sleep quality and quantity
20:40 The importance of physical energy to drive mental capacity
24:45 Hundreds of small decisions compound over time during the day
31:15 Outlier bias: “I’m doing great, these principles don’t apply”
38:15 Differences between novice traders and advanced traders
42:05 Steve’s studies of cognitive athlete performance and HRV
49:40 Wrap up, where to find Steve