by Jason Moore | May 18, 2016
“Raw” RR intervals are the RR intervals that are received directly from the HR monitor and have not been cleaned or corrected for artifacts such as ectopic beats or signal noise.
“Corrected” RR intervals are the RR intervals after our algorithms have of detected and corrected artifacts such as ectopic beats or signal noise to provide a more valid signal for HRV analysis.
by Jason Moore | Feb 12, 2016
To export your raw R-R intervals or Interbeat Intervals (IBIs), simply navigate to the bottom of the Elite HRV app’s Settings screen and tap “Export”.
The export will be emailed to the email address associated with your account. You may export as often as you like. The private/secure link sent to your email expires after a few hours to help protect your data, so please save the export somewhere safe if you would like to keep it longer.