by Jason Moore | Sep 20, 2017
Keith brings muscle, brains, and pragmatism to the quest for health and performance. His simple but effective tips for exercise, health, and business could easily boost your results in all three areas.
by Jason Moore | Sep 19, 2017
We are so excited to announce the new CorSense fingertip HRV monitor is now available on Kickstarter for pre-sale. Tap here to see the video and details about the new device!
We want to make sure that as Elite HRV users, you have the opportunity to get CorSense at it’s lowest price ever. This low price is limited to the first 500 backers so don’t miss your opportunity! Thank you for helping make this a reality.
by Vivek Menon | Aug 27, 2017
Everyone ages at different rates. Our “true age” (also “biological age”) actually depends on systemic inflammation: from our lifestyle and environment combining with our genetics. True age represents our capacity for resilience, in tolerating and recovering from the inflammation of life stresses. By increasing this resilience, we could even get younger in true age! It requires frequent tracking of biomarkers like heart rate variability (HRV).
by Jason Moore | Aug 22, 2017
Josh Trent interviews Jason Moore on topics including:
– We can sometimes spend years trying to develop our wellness intuition. We can speed up this process if we learn the proper ways to track and analyze our biological data through different forms of wellness tech.
– Extreme exercise might make us “better” at certain activities, but this may be at the expense of other parts of our wellness. Technology can help us know when to slow down so we don’t jeopardize important areas of our health.
– HRV can give us incredible insight into other areas of our wellness and how our body functions. We don’t need massive amounts of tracking with HRV, 5 minutes a day for a couple weeks can give us great insight into how we can adjust our lifestyle to improve our wellness.
Tap here to listen to the full conversation!
by Vivek Menon | Aug 1, 2017
After many years of study, the health impact of coffee remains mixed. But heart rate variability (HRV) may have a relationship with long-term coffee consumption. A new study of over 15,000 subjects looked at the relationship between coffee consumption and HRV readings.
by Jason Moore | Jul 27, 2017
Check out the exciting new features available in the latest update and new features coming soon.
by Vivek Menon | Jul 18, 2017
Chronic stress is a feature of modern life. It often comes from hidden, unexpected, hard-to-pin-down sources. With appropriate tracking, heart rate variability (HRV) can help identify these sources of chronic stress.
by Jason Moore | Jun 27, 2017
Check out this great podcast episode with MadLab Group where we discuss HRV use for gym owners. In the episode, we talk about heart rate variability training, why it makes your ability to define and interact with your clients much more powerful and how it creates the unique ability to create personas based off of the data collected!
by Jason Moore | Jun 12, 2017
So you’re having ‘one of those days.’ Your body is telling you it needs rest, but your instinct as a dedicated athlete is to push through and follow your training schedule regardless. The truth is, your long-term health can suffer from ignoring the body’s need to recover, and there is a tangible way to measure your readiness via heart rate variability.
Our own Jason Moore is interviewed on the Ali Fitness Podcast to discuss HRV and training.
by Jason Moore | Jun 8, 2017
Are all lab tests created equal? Chris Kelly breaks down the lab tests that get the best results for his athletes and health clients.
We talk blood work, hormone and cortisol testing, stool testing, and how to make better decisions given certain lab results. Join me in this great discussion with Chris Kelly of Nourish Balance Thrive!
by Jason Moore | May 20, 2017
Excerpt from Andrew Kemp’s article: “… little research has been done which looks at how the vagus nerve affects body and mind together. That’s why I teamed up with colleagues to question whether previously reported relationships between vagal function and cognitive performance could be explained through a single physiological pathway.”
Tap here to read more on The Conversation.
by Jason Moore | Apr 25, 2017
Dr. Steve, the Sock Doc, shares a journey of integrating systems within the body. Connecting the nervous system to organs, muscles, bone, connective tissue and more, Dr. Steve has developed a practice around a concept he calls Systems Health Care – Integrative Wellness.
We talk hormones, asymmetry, dysfunction and simple tests you can perform to become more aware of your own situation. Tap here to listen.
by Jason Moore | Apr 12, 2017
What is Coefficient of Variation (CV)? How is CV connected to the HRV score and ln(rMSSD)? What are “good” and “bad” CV trends? How do I use it to interpret and tailor training?
Check out this blog post by guest writer, Andrew Flatt, to answer these questions and more.
by Jason Moore | Apr 5, 2017
How to Increase Heart Rate Variability with Micronutrients and Supplements Micronutrients such as amino acids, specific vitamins, and minerals can significantly impact your Heart Rate Variability scores and your overall health and performance. We are often asked,...
by Jason Moore | Mar 29, 2017
Could micronutrient deficiencies be holding you back?
Dr. Eldred Taylor shares the importance of amino acids for energy and autonomic nervous system health, as well as how they and other micronutrients impact your Heart Rate Variability.
Hint: These topics could be a good place to look if your energy levels, motivation, and general health aren’t where you’d like them to be.
by Jason Moore | Mar 28, 2017
See what new features are available in the latest update and features coming soon.
by Jason Moore | Mar 14, 2017
Is it possible to have a nutrition plan that is customized *exactly* for your own individual needs?
Best selling author and former research biochemist Robb Wolf joins us to talk about the failings of one-size-fits-all diets, the neuroregulation of appetite, and much more.
— tap here for topics and to listen
by Jason Moore | Feb 22, 2017
Dan Quintana is a Research Fellow at the University of Oslo and received his PhD in Psychology from the University of Sydney in 2013. His research focuses on the role of heart rate variability, the autonomic nervous system and hormones on mental health. In this episode, we’re going to pick Dan’s brain on the relationship between mental and physical health, autonomic dysregulation, how HRV reflects mental health condition, antidepressants and other interventions.
by Jason Moore | Feb 8, 2017
Coach Alex Fergus joins us to share his experiences with balancing elite rowing, competitive powerlifting, and bodybuilding. He has done some extreme tracking along his journey with these sports and now his clients are benefiting too. We cover all sorts of experiments, slow training, and the Ketogenic diet. It is a large discussion filled with plenty of gems throughout.
by Jason Moore | Jan 3, 2017
First coverage with Dr. Phil Maffetone and Professor Paul Laursen on their newly published and controversial scientific paper titled: “Overfat and Underfat: New Terms and Definitions Long Overdue.” We discuss the pandemic of people who are “overfat” — defined as having sufficient excess body fat to impair health and how this classification differs from “overweight”. If we’re to truly address the problem, we need to start using the right terminology and not hiding behind propriety (in certain situations). Doctors, researchers and individuals all need to arm themselves to take control of what some are now calling the “world health crisis”.